Saturday, June 13, 2009

Life at 5:30

I thought the day before and I thought yesterday and I am thinking even now, what keeps you going. Why are the human emotions so weak and so tender that they react differently in different situations? Why is that? Why does the heart pump faster when there are people around you and why does it sedate and goes to seclusion when you have no one around. Why does the weight of the eyes increase when it cant see any one in front of it if the value of “g” is same anyways.
Its 5:30 PM, a weekday and I am sitting helplessly in front of this screen who has taught me an important lesson. The term ‘who’ used for the computer is a very deliberate attempt to emphasize the kind of role that it plays in the lives of people like us at 5:30 Pm in our college. It may not have the heart and other parts of the human anatomy but it certainly does all those things which you expect from it. It plays the role of a teacher by educating you, plays the role of a friend by being with you in this boring period. Boredom is an evil which haunts you at this time over here.
As told by the great philosopher Allex Hudley:
“Your true traveler finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty - his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure.”
How true a statement and By God never in my life did I think I can understand all that .Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time. Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face.
Every minute , every second comes in front of you , slaps you and ask this question “what a big looser you are”, that no job is good for you, no work lets you touch it , no person finds you comfortable enough to be with.
At a time when you are in a state where your own body which you have cherished and flourished over a such a period of time stops supporting you, there is just one thing that you need, no food helps, no serials materialize, even a Gambhir 150 wont do any good, at that point you just need at least one person to be with you, to understand you , to talk to you, to show you, that there is one, at least one who cares, who cares when your own body has betrayed you.
This however doesn’t by any way demean the people on the other side of the wall. They are right too. No body on earth has come with an extra buffer of life with them. Every one here has to do the stuffs in the limited period. They cant go on wasting their precious time just because the other person can handle his life on his own. That’s what Darwin said many years back. Its true even now. There’s got to be a problem on your side if you are facing the heat. That’s basic science gentlemen.
What I have learned is that there is an art to friendship just there is with all relationships. It's simple, to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend. Be loyal, kind, trustworthy, patient, humble and nonjudgmental. More than anything if you tell your friend you are going to do something, do it. If you can't do it have a damn good reason why you can't. So, for those of you out there with strong intimate friendships, cherish them, protect them, enjoy them, and more importantly don't take them for granted. Because one day, the other half of the friendship circle could get a wild hair, and flip out, and play their stupid card. To this I say "oh holder of the stupid card," think long and hard before you make the dumbest move of your life. Sometimes people do things, and lose people, and relationships in their lives that can never ever be replaced. They are usually one of a kind relationships. So before you make the final decision to go through with this ultimate act of betrayal, just know that this just might be it for your antics, the true "coup de gras." You just may be losing the person and or the relationship forever. There may be no turning back.

But as is the case with every Dark Age, there comes a renaissance, a renaissance full of thought, imagination, new ideas and definitely with much better prospects, that’s because God created us little differently.
Probably the difference between man and the monkeys is that the monkeys are merely bored, while man has boredom plus imagination. Its just that you have to understand the difference , and make use of it.Unfortunately for most of the people they are better of as monkeys, because anywhere you go, you will see monkeys and never a monkey.

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